
Mountain Springs,
by Henry Gladow

By Avery Muller

I tried to make myself a home.

Turns out my path is set in stone.

My friends left me in the blink of an eye.

Dang it. Why do I even try?

Every person, every friend, left me alone once again.

I tried to run away from home.

Deleting every number from my phone.

Don’t speak.

Don’t talk.

Don’t say goodbye.

I’m tired of listening to the fake friends lie.

I hope you’re happy I’m gone.

You don’t care, and I can move along.

Like a puppet, pull my heartstrings.

Like an angel, put chains on my wings.

Send me deep into the fiery pit.

This happens more than I like to admit.

Liar, deceiver, horrible friend.

Take me away.

Mend me again.

Don’t say sorry.

Don’t say goodbye.

I don’t want to hear your lies.

All In My Head

By Samantha Carver

Panic filling my brain

Blood leaving a stain

Your words ringing in my head

Is doom where I'm being led

I threw a punch

Or a bunch

Your body stiff on the ground

Not making a sound

People staring in shock

As they talk

I'm too young for jail

And I’ll never get bail

I pray you will open your eyes

So I won't have to say my byes

Please tell me this is fake

I feel as if my skins coming off flake by flake

Thankfully this was a dream

My sweat making a stream

My mother rushes in my room

Reminding me I’m not being led to my doom

Puzzle Piece

By Liberty Milhollin

Don't be a piece that doesn’t go there

Don't be the piece who is the spare

Find where you belong in the puzzle

Be the piece that doesn’t put up a tussle

Don't try to be the same piece as another

Be different and unique, not amongst the others

Have different edges and curves

Have different talents and perks

Have different qualities and skills

Have your own adventures and thrills

Do your own thing not like the others

And be there for each other

The Jury

By Liberty Milhollin

They'll look at you and see something

They'll judge you on what you look like and wear

They'll judge you on what other people think

They'll look at you with a piercing glaze

Guessing about you using your looks and what you say

But when you get to know someone for who they are

In your heart they could be amazing

Don’t call anyone names based on their looks

Don’t judge anyone based on their grades

Good or bad don't judge them on that

Don’t call someone a nerd

Don’t call someone a idiot

Don’t call someone poor

Don’t call someone rich

Don’t think in your head that this person is dumb

Don’t think in your head that this person is ugly

It’s what’s on the inside that counts

And if you want want to know what someone is about just go up and ask


By Liberty Milhollin

Don’t judge a book on their cover

Don’t judge people on their mother

Don’t judge a book by their quality

Don’t judge people on the curiosity

Don’t judge a book on their first couple pages

Don’t judge people on their faces

You will never know what they are

Till you look underneath all their scars

Look at their scars good or bad

Talk to them and add

To the bigger picture of who they are

Don’t judge a book by its cover no matter how bizarre

Roses and Violets

By Liberty Milhollin

Rose are red

Violets are blue,

I will always and forever love you

But when the roses wilted,

And the violets died,

I lost a piece of my soul and I couldn't get it back no matter how hard I tried

The roses finally died,

The violets have faded away,

I had lost all meaning and couldn’t think of what to say,

The roses had been dead for a year,

The violets had broken off the stems,

But then I saw a little piece of green sticking out of the ground with some friends

The roses were growing back,

The violets were alive,

My soul was put back together and I waited for the day I could arrive in the sky,

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I shall never forget my love for you.