
2023 Winter Orchestra Concert

By: Charli Bond and Melody Schulte

On December 8th, 2023, the amazing 6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestra showed off their skills and wowed the whole crowd! We can say that their love for playing their instrument showed. We talked to six orchestra players: Liberty Milhollin (6th grade), Zoey Bond (8th Grade), Henry Gladow (6th Grade), AnnaBeth Kempf (7th grade), and Kagan Kaylor (6th Grade) to get a feel for what it’s like to be in orchestra.

What is the best part about being in orchestra?

“That you get to make music and friends.” - Liberty Milhollin.

“Learning new things and having fun with friends.” - Zoey Bond

“That you get to play an instrument and be with friends ” - Kagan Kaylor

What is the teacher like?

“Ms. Morrison is a really good teacher. She knows how to play all of the instruments and can help us if we make a mistake.” - Liberty Millhollin.

“She is really nice and super helpful.” - Zoey Bond

“She's nice but strict” - Kagan Kaylor

What do you do to prepare for a concert?

“Study and practice our music” - Zoey Bond

“We spend a long time practicing in class and then spend some time practicing at home” - Liberty Millhollin

“I practice and fool around” - Kagan Kaylor

Was it hard to get to where you are now?

“I had to practice a lot but I managed” - Kagan Kaylor

“Yeah I would say so” - AnnaBeth Kemph

Was learning how to play your songs on your type of instrument hard?

“Not really“ - Kagan Kaylor

“Each instrument is different in their own way but yeah I’d say it was pretty hard” - AnnaBeth Kemph

Why did you pick the instrument you did?

“I’ve always wanted to play the violin” - AnnaBeth Kemph

“I picked cello because it’s a different playing style and I also like the deep sound of it.” - Henry Gladow

“Because it was big!” - Kagan Kaylor

When did you begin playing?

“5th grade” - AnnaBeth Kemph

“The moment I could in 5th grade” - Henry Gladow

“5th grade” - Kagan Kaylor

Unique memory from orchestra?

“When the 7th graders played their instruments with origami.” - AnnaBeth Kempf

“Some other orchestra students and I were pushing a heavy chair cart and one of the wheels ran over my toe.” - Kagan Kaylor

Do you practice your instrument outside of school as much as you do inside?

“Probably not because I am busier outside of school” - AnnaBeth Kempf

“Basically yeah” - Kagan Kaylor

“I think I might do a little less outside of school, but when I do practice “I do as much as I can” - Henry Gladow